Hot Cocoa Moment

hot cocoa

I remember getting so excited about Christmas when I was younger. My grandma, Baba, and I would put up the outside Christmas lights. Sometimes we would be up all night trying to figure out which light went out, but when all the lights were lit up, it was magic to me! I also remember racing home from school to see which special Czech cookies my grandma was baking. I had a very important job of sampling the cookies.

It’s been 10 years and I can still smell the sweet Czech cookies and feel Baba come alive when we put the Christmas lights up. I miss her so much! Last year, I lost a very close friend to a sudden heart attack. Christmas is supposed to be a joyous time. As I sip my hot cocoa, the tears roll down my cheeks and memories flood my mind. I cannot help but feel the pain of those around me as well–pain for losing a loved one or for being rejected instead of comforted.

Hot cocoa usually is a symbol of the warm happy moments in life. My desire is not to depress you but rather encourage you to take a hot cocoa moment. Take time to let yourself just be you, free of expectations, free of responsibility, free. Cry if it helps you. Get lost in those joyous memories that no one can take away from you. So often we are wedded to an identity that is not from God. We want to be more and have more.

God just wants us to join Him for a hot cocoa moment.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28


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